Let’s press the Share button on the video.If you put an actual video link instead of a spread link@Controller 공용 클래스 MediaController {private static final Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MediaController.class);GetMapping(“/media/youtube”) 공용 문자열 유튜브(모델) {return “youtube”;}When you want to insert a video on the web screen, you can first upload the video to YouTube and then insert the video on the web screen (Link X).Do not copy the video address.The result of calling the /media/youtube path.What to watch out for (actual accident case) – A co-worker copied YouTube.jsp to create a YouTube 2.jsp screen. – A co-worker who is new to the YouTube video shovel put the actual link of the video in the iframe tag, not the spreading link.As above, you can see that the image is inserted into the web screen.- ResultI pasted the iframe tag to the YouTube.jsp source code I saw above.Image Insertion CompletedShare button, pay attention.Let’s go to YouTube now. I’m not going to use a video from my company right now, so I’ll use a different video in the example. Let’s go into the video we’re going to insert on YouTube first.Let’s say there are MediaController.java and YouTube.jsp files as shown above. If you access them through that path (/media/youtube), you will naturally see the screen as shown below.Scrolling Screen<%@ tagliburi=”http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core ” 접두사=”c” %><%@ page language=”java” contentType=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ pageEncoding=”utf-8″%”><html><title><head><title>유튜브</title><body><h1>로졔의 블로그입니다.<p>유튜브 영상 삽입</p><body><html>It’s easy to inadvertently copy the above video link, and if you want to link it to a YouTube video, you can use that link, but you shouldn’t use that link to insert a video into the web screen. Let’s press the spread button.exampleThe left is the thumbnail you will see on my web screen, and the right is the source code (iframe tag) that will fit into the jsp. You can modify it slightly through the purge option, and if you press the copy button on the bottom right, it will be copied to the clipboard.